Negotiation, Mediation, and Hearings
95% of our divorce cases settle prior to a permanent orders hearing (trial) at some stage before the Court is asked to make a determination on the final dissolution of marriage. During these negotiations, divorcing spouses will often come to an agreement on specific assets or pieces of property, and especially those that cannot be divided equally. Other considerations, such as custody of children, continued ownership of a shared asset, etc., will usually be discussed at this stage. But before you can enter into intelligent negotiations, you should consult with an experienced divorce lawyer who can advise you on what a judge is likely to do in your case and what a reasonable settlement looks like. Then you are negotiating from a position of strength, instead of just blindly throwing out or attempting to respond to offers, which is often overwhelming for one, or both spouses, particularly spouses who do not have access to all of the relevant information or documentation. We can assist you in navigating through this process in a manner which is calculated to lead to win-win compromises.
Most metro area courts require mediation, if the parties with the assistance of counsel, cannot reach an agreement. We understand that mediation can be intimidating at times, and consulting with an attorney prior to mediation is important to know what you should and should not be willing to settle for at mediation. Mediation is a process by which a neutral third-party facilitates communication between parties toward settlement of these issues. The mediator assists in making suggestions, brain-storming options, and discussing a fair resolution. The resolution must be acceptable to both parties, as the mediator has no authority to bind the parties to a decision, as the courts do. The essence of mediation is consensual, cooperative conflict resolution and joint problem solving.
During the mediation process, it is likely that the mediator will separate the parties. Usually, the parties will be in separate rooms with their respective attorneys from the outset of the process. The mediator will use “shuttle-diplomacy” to move back and forth between rooms, discussing various issues with each party. At the beginning and end of the process, sometimes the parties are brought together to share information and to confirm understandings.
The mediation process does not always work, but over ninety percent of cases settle at mediation or within weeks of the mediation process, if you pick top notch mediators. Keep in mind that anyone can be a mediator in Colorado, so selection of a mediator is of paramount importance. Mediation works best with skilled mediators who are experienced divorce attorneys or retired family law judges, and among couples who have children and who are hoping for an amicable post-divorce relationship. In order for the mediation to succeed, both parties must come to the mediation with a good-faith commitment to settle the issues. When the mediation is court-ordered, the parties may suffer sanctions by the court if they refuse to mediate in good faith. You are not required to reach an agreement, but you are required to participate with the intent of trying to resolve these issues.
The mediation process is private and confidential. The mediator generally cannot be called as a witness to the case, as the discussions are in furtherance of settlement. The purpose of mediation is to avoid the expense, risk, and time involved in court hearings. Many parties also suffer less on an emotional and financial level if they can come to an agreement that both parties agree to abide by, rather than a decision the court imposes.
If the parties are represented by attorneys, most of the time, the attorneys appear for the mediation session. This brings all of the parties involved to the table and allows the parties to seek their own legal counsel while discussing their bargaining positions. Mediated agreements have a much greater chance of compliance by the parties.
In the event that the two parties are unable to reach an agreement on the division of assets, the case will move forward to a trial in which the judge will hear relevant arguments and issue a ruling. Our attorneys are seasoned in the courtroom and know how to effectively and efficiently advocate your case at hearing, if your case cannot be settled.
This is a misnomer, as there is no such thing as an out of court divorce in Colorado. All divorce cases must be filed with the court in order to be valid, so that the court can oversee the disclosure process and approve any agreement as part of your Divorce Decree, or Decree of Dissolution of Marriage. However, it is possible to settle a case with minimal court involvement and possibly without the need for any hearings or court appearances. Call us today to find out how your case can be resolved without the need to appear in court, or if your case will likely be contested, how we can help you resolve it by using the top mediators in Colorado or litigating your case with the representation that you deserve by our seasoned divorce attorneys and their teams of experts and professionals to assist you at ever turn along the way. 303-688-3045